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Born In Defiance

Join us as we focus on home organization, health, and personal growth

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

These words from George Eliot are an accurate reflection of our thoughts for this year: No more putting it off… We need to start acting like the people we want to be. We need a change in focus.

After taking a long, hard look at our lives, we asked these questions:

  1. Ideally, what would you like to accomplish this year?
  2. Ideally, how would you like to spend your time?
  3. In a perfect world, what do you want for yourself? How do you want to feel?

Once we had our answers for the kind of person we wanted to be, we had to identify tangible ways to actually get there. We needed to focus on REAL paths that would make the ideal attainable. Not overnight, dramatic lifestyle swings, but more of a “slow and steady wins the race” attitude.

As chronic inspired and highly enthusiastic people, we know too well what it’s like to deep dive into too many things without being able to maintain any of them. (Sound familiar?)  We need to narrow our focus.

Next, we looked at our living environment, everyday stressors, and the typical routine of our days. Here’s where we saw the disconnect.

The fit, spontaneous, well-rounded and productive people we wanted to be were struggling in our current environment. We weren’t giving ourselves the tools we needed to be who we want to be or focus on the things we want to focus on.

Reflecting on your life by the ocean at sunset

Talk about a slap in the face. Sadly, we saw the following cycles in our personal lives:

Is any of this sounding familiar? If so, we’re happy to tell you that these cycles are what we’re trying to break this year. We know it won’t be easy, and of course there will be ugly moments, but our goal is to try to strive toward that better version of ourselves.

In the coming year, 3 topics we’re going to hit hard, explore, and focus on include:

  1. Home organization and upgrades
  2. Health (mental and physical)
  3. Learning and growing as individuals

If any of this sounds on track with your goals, we encourage you to click the “Subscribe” button here on our blog so you’re notified every time we post. This will help you maintain focus alongside us.

We hope that by documenting our journey, we can provide tips, resources, and inspiration for you to take steps toward your best self, too. We’d love your insights, experience, and feedback along the way as well, because, well, we’re all in this together. (Two heads are better than one!)

Remember: One small step forward is better than stagnating where you’ve always been.

Who’s ready for life changes? What do you want to focus on changing this year?


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