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Born In Defiance

Every year around Oct. 31 to November 2, millions of Monarch butterflies from the United States arrive in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico. Why? Because Monarchs migrate south for the winter.

Born in Defiance loves Monarch butterflies and wants to save them

What makes Monarchs so special?

The Monarch is the only butterfly known to make a two-way migration as birds do, using a combination of air currents and thermals to travel long distances based on their internal instincts. Some fly as far as 3,000 miles to reach their winter home!

But over the last 20 years, there has been a significant drop in Monarch numbers due to clearing of milkweed plants and pesticides. As has been the case throughout our human history, keeping the balance between nature and our growth is a struggle. Seeing declining insect populations is a travesty, let alone how their falling numbers impact the ecosystem.

Author and Monarch Advocate Kylee Baumlee tells us how to help save the Monarch butterflies
Meet Monarch butterfly expert Kylee Baumlee (and check out her Amazon bestselling book!)

Asking the Monarch expert: What can we do?

As such, I sat down with Monarch advocate, columnist, and author Kylee Baumle of Paulding, Ohio, to learn how we can help. Kylee is on a mission to save the Monarchs.

Her suggestion? Plant milkweed! 🌱 It’s the only food source for Monarch caterpillars, giving them strength to transform into beloved Monarchs. 🐛

Baumle even raises butterfly eggs in her home to protect them from predators, then releases them after they become full-fledged flying beauties. She travels to Mexico to see the amazing migration, runs a blog called “Our Little Acre,” and is the author of one of Amazon’s most popular butterfly books, “The Monarch: Saving our Most Loved Butterfly.”

To say Baulmee is experienced in all things “Monarch” is an understatement. Her passion for these orange and black creatures is enough to inspire you to get out there and DO SOMETHING.

Monarch butterfly eggs on milkweed
Kylee’s collection of milkweed with Monarch butterfly eggs at her home is amazing!

Preserving Monarchs for future generations to enjoy

Let’s all do our part to plant milkweed this fall so next year’s Monarchs have a plentiful food source, giving them energy to successfully make their long migration south to survive winter. If we all band together, we can save these magnificent butterflies for future generations to enjoy! 

To find milkweed seeds, contact Baumle by email at , call your local nurseries, search for organic providers on Amazon (click here for seeds under $10), or try out the Xerces Society’s Milkweed Seed Finder.

How to plant milkweed seeds (best time is in autumn):

  1. Plant in the fall after a frost.
  2. Make sure to remove all existing growth from the area and loosen the soil with a rake first.
  3. Hand plant the large seeds one by one into the dirt a few inches apart.
  4. Push them down into the soil, but don’t cover them. This helps with germination. You can step all over the area to do this.
  5. Give the area a good watering to set the seeds. You won’t need to water them again until early spring when the seeds start germinating.

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