3 Ways to Change Your Life Into an Adventure (with Jessamy Hibberd, Quote of the Day Podcast)

Where are our podcast junkies out there?? 🙂 Luke and I both listen to several podcasts, including The Tim Ferriss Show, EntreLeadership, Catexplorer Podcast, The TED Radio Hour, and many more. One new podcast I’ve recently started is “The Quote of the Day” with Sean Croxton. It features short, 12-minute or less motivational snippets of […]
Lessons in humility: Climbing Kilimanjaro

My dad, Steve, stepmom Tami, and I were on a mission: to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in a fundraising campaign to raise $30,000 for the NRECA International Foundation’s rural electrification efforts in Africa and around the world.
How a trip to the dentist can shatter your preconceived notions (and keep you open-minded)

Some things we think we know. We are confident we know. We don’t question it because we’ve always done it. But sometimes someone comes along and shatters that notion. You suddenly realize it was a preconceived notion. This happened to me at my dentist’s office. I was at my regular cleaning appointment, the dental hygienist […]
Losing our beloved pet cat: Reflections on the fleetingness of life

While we’ve been fortunate to have some wonderful pets in our lives, none have touched our hearts the way our cat Moby has. It’s why we were so worried recently as he become more lethargic, eventually stopped eating completely, and started to turn yellow in his gums and eyes on Friday before Memorial Day. It […]
How to navigate awkward conversations (yeah, especially that one time…)

I was taking my mother-in-law’s place at a local event when a stranger she knew approached me unexpectedly with a newspaper. It was a bit awkward. “You’ll be seeing Kathy soon, right?” the elderly woman asked earnestly, smiling at me. “Yeah, she should be home tomorrow,” I responded, returning the good spirit with a friendly […]
New Year, New Focus

Join us as we focus on home organization, health, and personal growth “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” These words from George Eliot are an accurate reflection of our thoughts for this year: No more putting it off… We need to start acting like the people we want to […]
The Most Powerful Way to Respect Veterans: How Honor Flight Touched My Heart & Changed My Life

🇺🇸 On flight #34 of Honor Flight of Northeast Indiana, I had the honor of photographing and escorting 81 veterans around the nation’s capital to see memorials built in their honor and for friends whom they lost in battle. Many of these veteran men and women fought in multiple wars, giving up precious years of […]
The most underrated step to success: Just Show Up

You equate these things with success. But what comes before that? What’s the precursor to opening these doors of opportunity? It’s so simple: Just show up.
The Power of Habit

One paper, published by a Duke University researcher in 2006, found that more than 40% of the actions people performed each day weren’t actual decisions — they were habits. “Each habit has relatively little impact on its own, but when added up, our habits have an enormous impact on our health, productivity, financial stability, and […]
Pause. Then let this question destroy you.

Consider your life right this moment. What you did today. What your last weekend consisted of. Where you’re sitting. Are you happy? Not the momentary, fleeting “happy” of endorphins, or “I just ate, so duh,” or even “today was a pretty good day” kind of feeling. I mean are you satisfied thinking of where you […]