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Born In Defiance

Where are our podcast junkies out there?? 🙂 Luke and I both listen to several podcasts, including The Tim Ferriss Show, EntreLeadership, Catexplorer Podcast, The TED Radio Hour, and many more.

One new podcast I’ve recently started is “The Quote of the Day” with Sean Croxton. It features short, 12-minute or less motivational snippets of various speakers explaining a different “quote of the day.” I find them the perfect length and tone for my daily walk on my lunch break, my commute to/from work, or even when I need to do a quick vacuum of the house. They quickly put some pep in your step when you need it most so you can get that next thing crossed off your list.

The latest episode was too good not to share and featured a speaker whose work needs to be shouted from the rooftops: Dr. Jessamy Hibberd, psychologist, author of Amazon bestseller  “The Imposter Cure”, speaker (see her TEDx talk), and commentator. Though I’m paraphrasing here, please note these ideas are all hers (thus, why I’m linking her TED talk and book below).

In reality, success does not always lead to happiness. Ticking off the checklist won’t solve your deep-rooted problems or help you find that “meaning” you long for.

Dr. Hibberd reminds us of life’s often overlooked but fundamental fact: Life is not a race but an adventure meant to be explored, enjoyed, and embraced.

Hold up. Read that again.

Life is NOT a race to the finish line. It’s not waking up just to cross off your to-do’s like a madman, shoving obstacles out of the way with your horse blinders on. It’s not collapsing in bed exhausted, burnt out and one-track minded.

Because reaching that destination will never be like what we expected. That fulfilment we expect might not be there waiting.

Instead, life should be lived as an adventure meant to be explored, enjoyed, and embraced along the way. It’s supposed to have spontaneity and occasional dopamine rushes when you see a new beautiful sight. Yes, there may be setbacks, your vehicle may run out of gas or you might forget a flashlight in your backpack when the sun set earlier than you expected on the trail. But we make due, take notes for tomorrow, and continue onward, driven by the urge to make the most of this adventure. It’s a precious endeavor fueled by excitement of the future itself.

Are you living life like this?

If I’m being honest, I admit I often forget what’s truly important. I get carried away in my new bullet journal, task allocations, and maxing out my “productive time.” I’m a self-improvement junkie who often forgets the most important step: reflection.

Dr. Hibberd knows you have to start treating life as an adventure to start truly appreciating what your life has to offer. In the end, it’s the small things done consistently that add up to change.

“What you do every day is what makes the biggest difference. It’s small steps that lead to the greatest changes.” – Dr. Jessamy Hibberd

How you go about meeting your goals is what really matters. Day in and day out.

Here are Dr. Hibberd’s 3 simple, small life changes she has made every day to put her motto into practice.


Man jumping across canyon in dessert on adventure

3 Daily Changes to Help Turn Life Into an Adventure (from Dr. Hibberd):

  1. Take each day a little slower.
    Don’t take yourself so seriously that you miss the richness of your life. What’s the rush? Why are you Olympic speed walking from point A to B with your head down? (*cough, cough, it’s me…) Pull yourself aside, as she does, and remind yourself: “There is no hurry.” Yell it if you have to.I don’t want to use the clique “Stop and smell the roses,” but if there are roses in your path, at least be walking slow enough that you notice them and can appreciate their beauty in the first place.
  2. Leave some empty time.
    As Dr. Hibbert notes, rest and recovery are part of a healthy, happy life. Reflect on where you are and where you’re headed to align your path, and don’t forget to touch base with your mind and body, too. Allowing for down time helps renew and motivate you.We aren’t machines after all; only by stopping can we restart with a fresh perspective.
  3. Make time for things you enjoy.
    The natural highs of life cannot be undervalued. Things like relationships, small acts of kindness, dancing in your kitchen, giggling uncontrollably, going on a jog with your music turned way up, or enjoying a beer with a friend. It sounds simple and maybe indulgent even, but if small things add up to your life and you live in an environment you create, why not create a better mood for yourself to live within?

Which of the 3 changes will you try to incorporate this week? Which speaks loudest to you?

For me, it’s taking each day a little slower so I can actually appreciate the richness of the small things my life is trying to offer me but I unknowingly refuse to notice.

Let us know what you start noticing, how your perspective changes, or what little things you find you actually really enjoy. How are you changing your life to be an adventure rather than a race?

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